All Submissions Basics:
Have you followed the guidelines in our Contributing document? -
Have you checked to ensure there aren't other open Pull Requests for the same update/change? -
Have you checked all Issues to tie the PR to a specific one?
All Submissions Cores:
Have you added an explanation of what your changes do and why you'd like us to include them? -
Have you written new tests for your core changes, as applicable? -
Have you successfully ran tests with your changes locally? -
Does your submission pass tests, including CircleCI, Travis CI, and AppVeyor? -
Does your submission have appropriate code coverage? The cutoff threshold is 95% by Coversall.
New Model Submissions:
Have you created a .py in ~/pyod/models/? -
Have you created a in ~/examples/? -
Have you created a in ~/pyod/test/? -
Have you lint your code locally prior to submission?
###Integration of PyThresh
PyThresh is an outlier contamination library that finds the contamination of a dataset from the outlier decision scores. It can added as an optional install to PyOD to be used as a more statistical approach to contamination selection, and it includes over 30 thresholding methods. This addition to PyOD will hopefully add an additional layer to its capabilities as a front runner in outlier detection.