The current LMDD model implements the original paper method naively. Some easy optimizations are possible:
- "if var_max > res_[j] and if var_max > 0" can be collapsed into a single if statement because res_ is initialized as zeroes.
- var_max = self.dis_measure_(X[:i + 1]) - self.dis_measure_(X[:i]), because j = i, var_max is also equal to self.dis_measure_(X[:j + 1]) - self.dis_measure_(X[:j]), meaning we can replace these terms by var_max in the calculation of dk_diff.
- dk_diff >= var_max can be replaced by dk_diff - var_max >= 0
- We only need to add var_max into dk_diff if we actually assign it to res_[k], so the if statement can be further simplified.
This PR implements these changes in the most basic manner, leading to a small speed increase.
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