# Tasty Toast
# Tasty Toast
TastyToast is going to have following list of features :
TastyToast is an Android Library which helps an user to get rid of their native Android Toast.
Feature 1 : TastyToast helps the user to get rid of his basic Toasts by characterising the type of Toast into five main category which are _success_, _danger_, _warning_, _info_ and default.
TastyToast helps the user by characterising the type of Toast into five main category which are _success_, _danger_, _warning_, _info_ and default.
* For each default category, it not only changes `background` and `text colour` but also adds a Custom View on the left side of Toast.
* For each default category, it not only changes `background` and `text colour` but also adds tasty Custom View on the left side of Toast.
Feature 2 : It will give access an user to make their own custom toasts by picking up any image and colour of their choice.
Currently only feature one is implemented but all of them are going to be implemented soon.