Created by: ofek
What is this Python project?
A pure Python CLI to view projects' download statistics. The supported fields are: project, version, pyversion, percent3, percent2, impl, impl-version, openssl, date, month, year, country, installer, installer-version, setuptools-version, system, system-release, distro, distro-version, and cpu. You can specify how many days in the past to consider or supply a custom date range. Custom ordering and where clauses are also supported.
What's the difference between this Python project and similar ones?
This uses an outdated (and not guaranteed to work) method of collecting statistics (by scraping PyPI). Also, it can only get the download counts.
This requires users to write their own queries. It depends on a deprecated library to interface with BigQuery Also, the package depends on which requires a complicated installation of NumPy and its scientific libs, and Tornado and its web server.
Both are GPL'd unfortunately while PyPInfo is licensed under MIT.