Created by: paudan
Added several interesting projects related to data analysis and machine learning, which I used or tested lately and which were missing from the list (remove them if them exist in late contributions, or move to other sections, if necessary):
Seaborn - data visualization library; Keras - deep learning library for ANN; RapydTk - Tk GUI builder tool. Haven't used it, but there aren't many similar tools, so I included it bcolz - a young project but interesting for big data in-memory storage and analysis paratext - a library for reading text files over multiple cores caravel - AirBnB's data exploration platform written in Python brew - ensemble learning methods in Python FukuML- simple machine learning library, with focus on kernel methods jubakit - Python bindings for a Jubatus distributed online machine learning framework XGBoost - implementation of scalable, portable and distributed gradient boosting algorithm; considering its relevance, just ask any Kaggler :) PyGMO - evolutionary computing for Python (might be moved to scientific computing section as well)