Created by: tylerlaberge
What is this Python project?
PyPattyrn is a python package aiming to make it easier and faster to implement design patterns into your own projects. Containing over 15 of the most common design patterns, you no longer have to write the same boilerplate code between all your projects when you wish to use a design pattern. This package captures that boilerplate code and makes it easy to use.
from pypattyrn.creational.singleton import Singleton
class DummyClass(object, metaclass=Singleton):
DummyClass is now a Singleton.
What's the difference between this Python project and similar ones?
Every other design pattern repo I've found simply provides examples for how to implement design patterns in python. PyPattyrn is something you would actually import into your project to speed up development process because the boilerplate code necessary for the design pattern is already written and provided for you by the package. I have not found another package that does the same thing.
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