Created by: ghost
Why this framework/library/software/resource is awesome?
This specific REPL is available for all major platforms (Linux, OS X, Windows) and provides nice features, such as:
- Features automatic completion of attributes and file names.
- Automatically displays function arguments and documentation.
- Keeps your recent results in the result history, for later use.
- Can automatically fold long outputs, so you can concentrate on what's important.
- Lets you save the history of the session as an HTML file, for future reference. You can then load the history file into DreamPie, and quickly redo previous commands.
- Automatically adds parentheses and optionally quotes when you press space after functions and methods. For example, type execfile fn and get execfile("fn").
- Supports interactive plotting with matplotlib.
- Supports virtually all Python implementations: 2.5+, 3.1+, Jython, IronPython and PyPy.
- Extremely fast and responsive.
(Taken from the official DreamPie website
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