Created by: leolas95
What is this Python project?
A tool for the definition and construction of domain specific languages in Python, using a PEG parser. It features a meta-language which you can use to specify the definition of your language. Using that, textX can parse programs written in your language, giving you all the syntactical elements for you to manipulate as needed.
What's the difference between this Python project and similar ones?
- The syntax of the meta-language is clear and simple.
- In contrast to bigger and fully-fledged frameworks like Jetbrains MPS or Eclipse's Xtext (from where textX was inspired), textX is a simple Python library that you can integrate in your project as any other.
- You can customize the way the parser will handle elements like whitespaces and case-sensitivity. Registered callbacks can be used for post-processing validation. Grammar files for your language can be split into many files.
- It offers an abstraction over the Arpeggio PEG parser.
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