Created by: Stranger6667
What is this Python project?
Schemathesis is a tool for testing web applications built with Open API / Swagger specifications.
It reads the application schema, generates and runs test cases which will ensure that your application is compliant with its schema.
The application under test could be written in any language, the only thing you need is a valid API schema in a supported format.
Based on Hypothesis
What's the difference between this Python project and similar ones?
The project was inspired by swagger-conformance, which didn't receive any updates since June 2018. Notable differences:
- Support for Open API 3.0;
- More feature complete support for Open API 2.0 / 3.0 specs due to usage of hypothesis-jsonschema under the hood;
- Interactive, pytest-style command-line interface with built-in support for authorization, Hypothesis configuration, endpoints selection, and many other things;
- flexible control over checks to be executed;
- automatic testing of explicit examples defined in the tested schema;
- ability to register custom strategies for string formats;
- lazy schemas loading support for simpler testing of apps built with tools like apispec
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