Created by: allrod5
Add a Dynamic Analysis section and include parameters-validation
lib to it.
What is this Python project?
parameters-validation lib eases function parameters validation regarding type, content and/or any other custom validations one may wish to perform.
It leverages type-hint annotations to provide a clean and unobstructive way to adopt the Look Before You Leap principle when you need to.
What's the difference between this Python project and similar ones?
There are no similar projects currently. Usually, the developer will write their own validation helper functions and manually call'em. While this is fine, the end result pollutes function bodies with validation actions that are not the core responsibility of a function. Nevertheless, there are simple validations (such as checking if a string is not blank or that a number is not negative) that will be kinda frequent and repeated all over different projects while performing exactly the same functionality.
lib enables removing the validation logic from the function body, explicitly stating validations upfront in the function signature and provides ready-to-use common validations.
Here a simple comparison between runtime validations with and without using parameters-validation
Using parameters-validation lib: clean and explicit way of declaring
and performing runtime validations
def register(
token: strongly_typed(AuthToken),
name: non_blank(str),
age: non_negative(int),
nickname: no_whitespaces(non_empty(str)),
bio: str,
# do register
Adding validation code directly at the function body: explicit on the
validations but pollutes the function body
def register(
token: AuthToken,
name: str,
age: int,
nickname: str,
bio: str,
if not isinstance(token, AuthToken):
raise TypeError("Parameter 'token' must be of type 'AuthToken'")
if not bool(name and name.strip()):
raise ValueError("Parameter 'name' cannot be blank nor empty")
if age < 0:
raise ValueError("Parameter 'age' cannot be negative")
if not nickname:
raise ValueError("Paramater 'nickname' cannot be empty")
if " " in nickname:
raise ValueError("Parameter 'nickname' cannot contain whitespaces")
# do register
Adding validation code in a helper function: implicit on the
validations pollutes outer scope of the function with the companion
helper function. The companion helper is harder to keep in sync
with the register function and duplicates parameters declarations
token: AuthToken,
name: str,
age: int,
nickname: str,
bio: str,
if not isinstance(token, AuthToken):
raise TypeError("Parameter 'token' must be of type 'AuthToken'")
if not bool(name and name.strip()):
raise ValueError("Parameter 'name' cannot be blank nor empty")
if age < 0:
raise ValueError("Parameter 'age' cannot be negative")
if not nickname:
raise ValueError("Paramater 'nickname' cannot be empty")
if " " in nickname:
raise ValueError("Parameter 'nickname' cannot contain whitespaces")
def register(
token: AuthToken,
name: str,
age: int,
nickname: str,
bio: str,
_validate_register_parameters(token, name, age, nickname, bio)
# do register
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