Created by: chfw
What is this Python project?
Pyecharts is a python interface to Echarts.js visualization library. It supports 28+ charts ranging from 2D, 3D and geo mapping. It supports data scientists using Jupyter, nteract and supports web developers with django and flask integration.
What's the difference between this Python project and similar ones?
It is similar to and bokeh.
Comparing with, pyecharts offers free exports of svg, pdf and html format whereas offer them under a premium version. And pyecharts does not really care about the number of exports to other file formats whereas allows up to100 exports per 24h.
Comparing with bokeh, user group are different. Bokeh serves primarily scientific community whereas pyecharts serves both web developers and data analysts. Bokeh's api emulates matplotlib whereas pyecharts api emulates pygal.
When it comes to geomapping, pyecharts has strong support for Chinese regions.
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