Created by: vixentael
What is this Python project?
Themis framework is cryptography library for making typical encryption schemes easy to use in the real-world use cases like data at rest, authenticated data exchange, transport protection, authentication, and so on.
What's the difference between this Python project and similar ones?
- Most libraries require understanding of how cryptographic algorithms work: what is padding, what is IV, minimum key length. Themis is made by cryptographers from Cossack Labs for applied developers: providing strong security, yet hiding complicated crypto-choices from developers.
- Strong cryptography inside, secure default settings.
- "Pre-baked" use-cases: special encryption schemes for storing data and for sending data (f.e. no need to rotate transport keys manually, built in forward secrecy).
- High level functions, cryptography details hidden under the hood (developers don't need to know the difference between AES CBC mode and AES GCM mode to encrypt data).
- Documentation and examples created for developers, not security experts.
- Based on known vendors of crypto-primitives like OpenSSL, BoringSSL, and LibreSSL, has a C-core with high-level language wrappers available for many popular languages.
- Fits complex client-server architectures; has unified APIs across platforms. One encryption library across all stack.
- Useful for making backends for mobile applications.
- Tested, supported, audited.
- GDPR-friendly.
- Widely used in real-world apps.
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