Fix: JS tree shaking 3 of 10 checklist items completed
!37663 docs
New Skip Navigation component 6 of 6 checklist items completed
Call dispose on component reinstantiation 6 of 10 checklist items completed
Use child combinators to avoid inheriting parent accordion's flush styles 3 of 10 checklist items completed
Range input: Add a workaround to enable track color 7 of 7 checklist items completed
fix: Data.js must not overwrite exising element instance 6 of 10 checklist items completed
v6: explore different styles for active (toggled) and disabled controls to not rely on use of color 2 of 10 checklist items completed
Limit `abbr[title]` style to browsers that support hover 6 of 10 checklist items completed
Update .browserslistrc 3 of 9 checklist items completed
Add detailed explanation of the JS components configuration merging process 4 of 5 checklist items completed
Carousel: Adding multiple items in one frame 5 of 7 checklist items completed
Docs: Add StackBlitz edit button for examples 12 of 17 checklist items completed
Use `:host` in selectors to support Web Components 0 of 2 checklist items completed