Change stylelint `property-blacklist` to `property-disallowed-list` 3 of 10 checklist items completed
Docs: add CSS variables section in close button section 6 of 6 checklist items completed
Docs: Make theme switcher accessible 3 of 10 checklist items completed
Docs: remove remnants of Twitter / bump dates 5 of 10 checklist items completed
Fix cards color for contextual color mode 4 of 4 checklist items completed
Docs: enhance Focus ring example section desc 6 of 6 checklist items completed
Docs: Remove unnecessary `id`/`aria-labelledby` from accordion examples 5 of 10 checklist items completed
Docs: remove `.btn-*-dark` from Button group docs to avoid issues in dark mode 6 of 6 checklist items completed
Add guard rail to dropdown keyhandler 3 of 10 checklist items completed