Call dispose on component reinstantiation 6 of 10 checklist items completed
Range input: Add a workaround to enable track color 7 of 7 checklist items completed
JS: use rollup to set BS version in js files 5 of 5 checklist items completed
fix: change `replaceAll` usage introduced in #35566 3 of 10 checklist items completed
fix: Data.js must not overwrite exising element instance 6 of 10 checklist items completed
ref: refactor `getSelector` not to be exported 4 of 7 checklist items completed
Fix disposing a modal after hiding error 3 of 10 checklist items completed
Focus on first error in forms 7 of 7 checklist items completed
one instance per element 1 of 4 checklist items completed
Carousel: Adding multiple items in one frame 5 of 7 checklist items completed
add keyboard and focus option and toggle method to toast 5 of 10 checklist items completed
Bind popper disposal with tooltip removal, trying to fix tooltip/popper inconsistencies 5 of 10 checklist items completed
make change on js/src/tooltip.js and resolve issue #37195 4 of 10 checklist items completed
Ensure Tab keyboard functionality after #37146 5 of 10 checklist items completed