scss: bring light/dark accordion icon color handling to parity 4 of 10 checklist items completed
Examples: color mode enhancement 6 of 9 checklist items completed
Color mode: Customization of dark theme 6 of 9 checklist items completed
Fix button visibility issue on dark theme 7 of 10 checklist items completed
Drop duplicate `$nav-link-disabled-color` declaration 4 of 4 checklist items completed
Fix console error in examples pages due to no theme switcher 6 of 6 checklist items completed
fix validation color 5 of 10 checklist items completed
Docs: change colors of danger badges in migration guide 6 of 6 checklist items completed
CSS: Proposal to rename the CSS and Sass variables for `.*-text-emphasis` 5 of 10 checklist items completed
Docs: Deprecate the Sass var and remove any occurence of the `.text-muted` 5 of 10 checklist items completed
Docs: update progress markup in Color modes page 6 of 6 checklist items completed