Created by: Serhioromano
When you create tables and you have another table within table with .table
class, the nested table inherit its styles. Although it is not always right. Sometimes you want just create table
This is what happens
![ex1]( Shot 2012-09-24 at 3.31.56 PM.png)
But it is not wat you usually want. You want styles to be applied only to the table you are giving the .table
class and others. Inside you may want to have another table with is completely different set of styles or not styles at all just as markup. With all respect to HTML5 and CSS3 there are still people and cases when you use table to layout your page.
This fix solve this issue and make so styles are applied only to the table you are assigning class to.
![ex2]( Shot 2012-09-24 at 3.31.18 PM.png)