Double-clicking collapse trigger element causes invalid 'collapsed' class on it
Created by: fwielstra
I've made the fiddle so that the clickable target is highlighted a bright red when it has the class "collapsed". Normally, it will be red when collapsed, white when expanded. Double-clicking it from the 'collapsed' state, however, will cause the 'collapsed' class to be applied, even though the animation is still going, and it remains as such while the animation persists.
The issue lies in bootstrap-collapse.js, the collapse data-api does not check if the animation is currently running on the target or not, it just checks the current status of 'this', which toggles regardless of the state of the collapsing element. I'll see if I can provide a fix.
This issue seems to persist in all browsers. It's an issue for us because we show a rotating arrow in the clickable element depending on its current collapsed state.