Popover JS config object overrides `data-bs-` attributes
Created by: daviddwmd
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The Bootstrap v5.2 documentation for Popovers says that the "content" option in the config object passed to the JS initialization provides "Default content value if data-bs-content attribute isn’t present." But when the data-bs-content attribute IS present, the Popover is still using the default from the JS config, and ignoring the data-bs-content. I'd like to use a function on most of my Popovers by default, but be able to override the default using the data attributes.
The issue is happening on lines 46-47 of util/config.js, where the _mergeConfigObj loads the data attributes, then the js config.
Per this StackOverflow item, this has been happening since v3: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28593579/override-popover-option-parameter-with-data-attributes
Am I just misunderstanding the documentation? Shouldn't the HTML be a more specific case than the JS?
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