.btn background removed in :active state
Created by: roblevintennis
I have searched for duplicate or closed issues -
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I have read the contributing guidelines
Describe the issue
It appears the latest 5.2.2 is implemented so that if you have a .btn
with no variant e.g. .btn-VARIANT
, and you click or make that button :active
, it's background color will be removed. It appears this is because the --bs-btn-active-bg
css variable is not getting defined:
This becomes an issue especially if you have custom background styles you're using alongside .btn
e.g. white text color that is !important
with a color background that is not important since they'll get removed leaving you with a blank all white button (see test case below)
Secondary issues
The same sort of undefined css variable thing is happening for var(--bs-btn-active-border-color)
as well. It doesn't affect my particular use case but maybe/probably should be addressed as well?
I believe this is do to a recent addition of this line:
:not(.btn-check) + &:active
introduced here
Reduced test cases
I've forked the button stackblitz to reproduce this here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/s8s493?file=index.html
Just toggle the :active
state either manually by clicking the button or via devtools
What operating system(s) are you seeing the problem on?
What browser(s) are you seeing the problem on?
Chrome, Safari
What version of Bootstrap are you using?