escape-svg fails for unquoted URLs
Created by: jrdutton
When using the SCSS version of Bootstrap, I am experiencing problems when providing an unquoted URL for the $breadcrumb-divider variable.
This is because the escape-svg function expects the URL to be quoted. Therefore, it removes the first five url(' and last two characters '). However, in the case of an unquoted URL, this fails. My understanding is the unquoted URLs are valid SCSS for the url function.
File poc.scss.txt shows the escape-svg function and other helper functions taken from the Bootstrap SCSS. It also includes two other variations, my attempts at fixing the issue. poc.scss.txt
File poc.css shows the output when compiled. poc.css.txt .breadcrumb-item shows the CSS using the existing function. In the case of url(data, the data part is truncated to ata .breadcrumb-item2 and breadcrumb-item3 show the outputs with the adjusted function.
I am happy to create a pull request if agreed that this is an issue to be fixed.