More clearly how to remove from map
Created by: ysds
I think that a way to remove a key/value from Sass maps is not clear.
The theming page documents:
To remove colors from $theme-colors, or any other map, use map-remove:
$theme-colors: map-remove($theme-colors, "success", "info", "danger");
But, it is not clear where to insert it.
For example, the following SCSS to modify or add key/value works well:
$theme-colors: (
"primary": #0074d9,
"danger": #ff4136
@import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
But it does not work when write SCSS to remove key/value on the same place:
$theme-colors: map-remove($theme-colors, "success", "info", "danger");
@import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
To remove colors from $theme-colors
, or any other map, map-remove
should be written between the requires and the options:
// Required
@import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/functions";
@import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/variables";
@import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins";
$theme-colors: map-remove($theme-colors, "success", "info", "danger");
// Optional
@import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/reboot";
It would be more helpful if documented about this.
I have no time to create a demo about this issue, but I hope bootstrap team can easily confirm this by adjust the bootstrap.scss. thank you.