Consider alternative method of styling toggle buttons (don't use data-toggle="buttons" for styling)
Created by: pkozlowski-opensource
I'm part of the angular-ui/bootstrap team working on native Angular directives using Bootstrap markup.
As part of the effort to migrate to Angular 2 and Bootstrap 4 we've started the ng-bootstrap project here:
So far the progress is very smooth and I couldn't be more grateful for all the splendid job that you are doing here on Bootstrap 4.
There is just one glitch that we've encounter so far: when using button groups (ex. check-box ) we need to add data-toggle="buttons"
to get proper styling on inputs. While I totally see how it works perfectly with provided jQuery plugins, it is not very intuitive for people not using jQuery but rather using a framework like Angular or React.
Would you consider another method of styling toggle buttons, for example using a dedicated CSS class (eg. .toggle-buttons