Inherited color of link in text emphasis.
Created by: TMMC
While you give to any element color emphasis (for example .text-primary
) it should IMHO inherit the color and lightly change it + change it more on hover/focus. But does not.
There is a mixin in text-emphasis.less for focused and hovered links and it does not work.
.text-emphasis-variant(@color) {
color: @color;
a&:hover, // mistake: 'a&'
a&:focus { // mistake: 'a&'
color: darken(@color, 10%);
My guess is it should be:
.text-emphasis-variant(@color) {
color: @color;
a {
color: darken(@color, 10%); // let's say
&:focus {
color: darken(@color, 20%); // let's say