Stop developing RTL for Bootstrap!
Created by: morteza
Dear @mdo, and all,
I'm really annoyed that bootstrap coordinators chose to inject RTL into bootstrap and not as a separate theme. It is not an additional feature. At @morteza I have studied several methods to find the best technique to develop RTL in bootstrap, since our main audiences have RTL languages. What is going on is not engineering (the thing you guys have to do), and the solution is just another mess.
It will cause one of the best project on the web (Your project, Twitter Bootstrap) to be inconsistent. All additional stuffs need to be double checked with some native developers. Languages, scripts, and different typography are some of the most important issues. It's not just another feature.
You kindly provided people with some features and capabilities to extend Bootstrap, and develop their own ideas and tricks.
Making one of the best UX projects on the web so fat is wrong, wrong, and wrong; Where only a simple theme can handle all use cases that only natives can understand. You are forcing them to choose LTR methods for RTL use cases. They are similar but not interchangeable via flipping. We studied that academically and I talk confidently.
Please don't be influenced by the huge amount of requests for RTL feature. Remove it! RTL, as you now, is for different languages, and different languages have nothing to do with the original motto of Bootstrap, which was a consistent UI/UX framework for the web.
What you provided is just enough for those who want to make their webpages flipped, but right to left language support is a crucial task and can be done by the genius idea of yours: theme. Even semantically, it's a theme. Don't make a big deal out of it.
Human languages and scripts are not designed to be flipped!
Have a nice day, Morteza