Version 0.12.0
- [COMPAT] [#1331] Drop active_job from the dependencies.
- [COMPAT] [#1402] Upgrade to Rails 6.
- [COMPAT] [#1402] Drop support for Ruby 2.4.
- [COMPAT] [#1406] Use Zeitwerk for loading models in Rails 6.
- [i18n] [#1400] Fix unusable expressions and wrong spacing in Korean.
- [BUGFIX] [#1285] Added icons to copied templates.
- [DOC] [#1378] Break Rails API documentation out to it's own page.
- [DOC] [#1379] Document using a custom namespace.
- [COMPAT] [#1377] AR models should inherit from ApplicationRecord.
- [FEAT] [#947] Add search filters to dashboards.
- [BUGFIX] [#1394] Fix loading of
. - [i18n] [#1362] Fix spanish locale.
- [BUGFIX] [#1336] Run a subset of appraisals fro Ruby 2.4.
- [BUGFIX] [#1334] Fix warning message related to 'text-decoration-skip: ink'.
- [BUGFIX] [#1334] Fix warning message related to Faker::LordOfTheRings.
- [DOC] [#1310] Fix typo:
. - [COMPAT] [#1197] Switch to sassc-rails.
- [BUGFIX] [#1320] Patch Rails 4.2 tests to work with Ruby 2.6.
- [COMPAT] [#1318] Drop support for Ruby 2.2, 2.3.
- [BUGFIX] [#1290] Fix generator for non-association/columnar attrs.
- [FEAT] [#1262] Introduce
. - [BUGFIX] [#1268] Fix multiple association pagination.
- [i18n] [#1239] Translate form error keys in chinese.
- [FEAT] [#1176] Support for other types of association fields.
- [DOC] [#1214] Adds missing colon to :name in Rails API docs.