Status icon could be conflated with that of system power.
Created by: anubeon
Currently, Solaar appears to use the some generic battery icon as is used by the systems default power indicator. I'd suggest switching to the gpm/xfpm-mouse-* icons in stead, to avoid conflating the two. I realise of course that solaar caters to keyboards and other devices besides mouses/mice_, but I would imagine that there are a hell of a lot more wireless logitech mouses/mice_ out there than keyboards, etc. Besides, gpm/xfpm-mouse-* looks a damn sight better than gpm/xfpm-keyboard-* (at least with respect to Ubuntu's default icon theme).
*For the love of atheismo, which is it?! ;-)
P.S.: Thank you for taking the time to develop this. This is one functionality that I have sorely missed since switching to linux some years ago. It's long overdue.