# Work Plan
## Phase 1 (from the end of January 2011 to the end of April 2011) **Done**
1. Analyze areas of functionality to be tested, strategy for testing them, and identifying test cases to be created.
* See [[TestSuite]]
2. Review automated test frameworks, and select one.
* See [[Automated Test Framework]]. Our choice is Selenium. We plan to move to Selenium 2 as soon as it is released to gain support for Opera. Google is also providing Selenium [support for mobile devices](http://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/WebDriverForMobileBrowsers), which we will use as it becomes available.
3. Create a test plan. After preliminary discussions with Frédéric, our plan is:
* Create Selenium ref tests for LaTeX and MathML processing, rendering, and UI testing that can be automated.
* Create "scenario tests" for installation, configuration, API and UI testing that can't easily be tested with Selenium ref tests. The scripts in the current ./test directory can be thought of as an initial step in this direction
* Define testing procedures.
4. Create a test suite of ref tests to be executed in Selenium. The plan here is:
* Robert will setup a github repository dedicated to MathJax testing.
* <del>Robert will find people to try Selenium and the automated testing from MathJax-test github repository.</del>
* Frédéric will start writing reftests for LaTeXToMathML and MathMLToDisplay covering the main features.
* Frédéric will check the issue trackers for sensitive parts of the implementation that should be tested in priority (marked with QA tags).
* Maintain Selenium up-to-date and support more platforms.
* Maintain documentation of the testing framework.
* Report browser bugs upstream.
* Maintain the testsuite:
* Ensure that the tests work correctly on all platforms.
* Add tests for new MathJax issues.
* Find a way to improve simulation of user interaction via Selenium 2's "native events". Improve/Complete UI and Configuration tests that require this feature.
* Continue to improve the testing framework interface, including:
* Interface to choose/update a browser version (stable, beta, nightly etc). For the moment this is possible with Selenium 1 by installing the programs somewhere on a test machine and setting the browserPath configuration option accordingly.
* Set up machines to run tests and report errors regularly.
## Phase 2 (from May 2011 to the end of December 2011)
## From May 2011 to the end of December 2011
1. Tests covering most of the LaTeX support. **Done**
2. Tests covering most of the MathML support. **Done**
... | ... | @@ -28,18 +23,21 @@ |
8. Upgrade Selenium and support more platforms. **Done** (see [[Migration from Selenium 1 to Selenium 2]] and [[Platforms Supported]])
9. Interface to choose/update a version of MathJax (stable, development, developer's branches etc). **Done**
10. Set up the webfactional machine to store the test suite, the development branches, the test runner and the QA web interface. **Done**
11. Set up test machines to run automated tests. **In Progress**
12. Connect the webfactional machine with the test machines. **In Progress**
11. Set up DSI test machines to run automated tests. **Done**
12. <del>Connect the webfactional machine with the test machines.</del>
## Other work
## From the end of January 2011 to the end of April 2011
* Maintain Selenium up-to-date and support more platforms.
* Complete documentation of the testing framework.
* Report browser bugs upstream.
* Maintain the testsuite:
* Ensure that the tests work correctly on all platforms.
* Add tests for new MathJax issues.
* Find a way to improve simulation of user interaction via Selenium 2's "native events". Improve/Complete UI and Configuration tests that require this feature.
* Continue to improve the testing framework interface, including:
* Interface to choose/update a browser version (stable, beta, nightly etc). For the moment this is possible with Selenium 1 by installing the programs somewhere on a test machine and setting the browserPath configuration option accordingly.
* Set up machines to run tests and report errors regularly. |
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1. Analyze areas of functionality to be tested, strategy for testing them, and identifying test cases to be created.
* See [[TestSuite]]
2. Review automated test frameworks, and select one.
* See [[Automated Test Framework]]. Our choice is Selenium. We plan to move to Selenium 2 as soon as it is released to gain support for Opera. Google is also providing Selenium [support for mobile devices](http://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/WebDriverForMobileBrowsers), which we will use as it becomes available.
3. Create a test plan. After preliminary discussions with Frédéric, our plan is:
* Create Selenium ref tests for LaTeX and MathML processing, rendering, and UI testing that can be automated.
* Create "scenario tests" for installation, configuration, API and UI testing that can't easily be tested with Selenium ref tests. The scripts in the current ./test directory can be thought of as an initial step in this direction
* Define testing procedures.
4. Create a test suite of ref tests to be executed in Selenium. The plan here is:
* Robert will setup a github repository dedicated to MathJax testing.
* <del>Robert will find people to try Selenium and the automated testing from MathJax-test github repository.</del>
* Frédéric will start writing reftests for LaTeXToMathML and MathMLToDisplay covering the main features.
* Frédéric will check the issue trackers for sensitive parts of the implementation that should be tested in priority (marked with QA tags). |