We collect potential features. This is not a discussion area but a presentation area for review.
The future development tasks for MathJax fall into three broad
categories that are closely intertwined.
1. Continuing the original project goals
2. Adapting to the constantly evolving state of art on the web
3. Expanding our goals
The following is out of our development backlog. The color codes
indicate how they relate to the overall goals. The asterisks give an
indication of each deliverable’s complexity.
1. Completing the MathML implementation
1. elementary math O (\*\*)
2. more mtable attributes (e.g., rowspan, colspan) O (\*\*\*)
3. in-table alignments O (\*\*\*)
4. right-to-left support OO (\*\*)
5. improve annotation-xml OO (\*\*)
6. improving ContentMathML support O (\*)
2. Speed Improvements
1. “simple” (fast but lower quality) HTML-output OO (\*\*)
2. Caching APIs for local storage and mobile device storage OO (\*\*\*)
3. Move towards “jquery of math” by implementing a “tweaked” native
MathML output that works around browser implementation deficiencies.
OOO (\*\*\*)
4. server-side preprocessing (TeX to MathML, MathML to SVG etc) OO
3. Accessibility
1. Add APIs for accessibility tools (AT) to interact with MathJax
rendering as if it was native MathML. This includes
1. compatibility to user style sheets (used for improved readability)
OO (\*)
2. interact with accessibility preferences coming from AT O (\*\*)
3. handing MathML over to AT O (\*\*)
4. embed speech-text generation from AT O (\*\*)
5. enable synchronized highlighting O (\*\*\*)
6. enable user navigation O (\*\*)
2. basic math-speech extension
1. collaborating with other open source solutions from Benetech and
Google’s ChromeVox O (\*\*\*)
3. accessible MathJax menu O (\*)
4. embedding alternative source formats of math (TeX, MathML, OpenMath,
computer algebra notation) O (\*\*)
4. Outreach activities O
1. Math accessibility workshop at AIM O (\*\*)
2. MathJax community meetups -- virtual and real-life O (\*\*)
3. MathJax in education (web literacy, authoring, annotation) O (\*\*)
4. MathJax in authoring tool chains for research and publishing O
5. Content Testing OO
1. server side testing OO (\*\*\*)
2. production environment testing OO (\*\*\*)
3. enable MathJax outside the DOM (\*\*\*)
6. Internal Testing
1. fuzz testing OO (\*\*)
2. integrating MathJax testing into other testing environments O
7. Interface improvements OOO
1. better interface on mobile devices O (\*\*\*)
2. improving copy&paste (share mechanisms, microdata, rdf) OO (\*\*)
3. improve discoverability of math on the page OO (\*\*)
4. menu extensions
1. search menu (enabling math search engines such as symbolab, wolfram
alpha, Springer LaTeX search etc) O (\*)
8. Fonts OO
5. Asana fonts OO (\*\*)
6. DejaVu fonts OO (\*\*)
7. crowdsource font-metric generation for local fonts O (\*\*\*)
8. find ways to make use of commercial local fonts that we can’t
deliver as webfonts but which are ubiquitous O (\*\*)
1. Lucida Sans
2. Apple symbol fonts
3. Arial unicode
9. Output extensions OO
9. Canvas output OO (\*\*\*)
10. VML output for old IE OO (\*\*\*)
11. fluid output choice (content-dependent choice, mixed output modes) O
12. “tweaked MathML” output (\*\*\*)
10. Input extensions OOO
1. crowd-sourcing TeX-macro extensions O (\*\*)
2. integrating XyJax (mixed), mathapedia (PStricks), graphing tools
(d3.js, three.js, asciisvg), computer algebra tools (e.g. Sage Cell,
R-notebooks, ipython notebooks) OO (\*\*)
11. Documentation OOO
1. building more community involvement OO (\*\*)
2. good code examples, moving towards a proper SDK OO (\*\*\*)
3. document plugin using MathJax in other systems, e.g., CMS, LMS. OO
12. Native browser MathML development in Gecko and WebKit O
1. This would be a major expansion of our mission -- but an overdue
2. re-enabling MathML support in Chrome / Blink (\*\*\*\*)
3. Developing Gecko/Firefox at least on the level that allows us to
keep a “tweaked” MathML output. (\*\*)
4. Continuing WebKit implementation.
5. 6. 7. 8. NEED: list of features in FF & webkit, rough development
plan etc
13. Outreach to other sciences
1. CML (chemistry) O (\*\*\*)
2. CellML (computer modeling in biomed) O (\*\*\*)
* Completing the MathML implementation
* elementary math
* more mtable attributes (e.g., rowspan, colspan)
* in-table alignments
* right-to-left support
* improve annotation-xml
* improving ContentMathML support
* Speed Improvements
* “simple” (fast but lower quality) HTML-output
* Caching APIs for local storage and mobile device storage
* Move towards “jquery of math” by implementing a “tweaked” native MathML output that works around browser implementation deficiencies.
* server-side preprocessing (TeX to MathML, MathML to SVG etc)
* Accessibility
* Add APIs for accessibility tools (AT) to interact with MathJax rendering as if it was native MathML. This includes
* compatibility to user style sheets (used for improved readability
* interact with accessibility preferences coming from AT
* handing MathML over to AT
* embed speech-text generation from AT
* enable synchronized highlighting
* enable user navigation
* basic math-speech extension.
* collaborating with other open source solutions from Benetech or Google ChromeVox
* accessible MathJax menu
* embedding alternative source formats of math (TeX, MathML, OpenMath, computer algebra notation)
* Outreach activities
* Math accessibility workshop (AIM)
* MathJax community meetups -- virtual and real-life
* MathJax in education (web literacy, authoring, annotation)
* MathJax in authoring tool chains for research and publishing
* Content Testing
* server side testing
* production environment testing
* enable MathJax outside the DOM
* Internal Testing
* fuzz testing
* integrating MathJax testing into other testing environments
* Interface improvements
* better interface on mobile devices
* improving copy&paste (share mechanisms, microdata, rdf, shadow dom, web components)
* improve discoverability of math on the page
* menu extensions
* search menu (enabling math search engines such as symbolab, wolfram alpha, Springer LaTeX search etc)
* Fonts
* Asana fonts
* DejaVu fonts
* crowdsource font-metric generation for local fonts
* find ways to make use of commercial local fonts that we can’t deliver as webfonts but which are ubiquitous
* Lucida Sans
* Apple symbol fonts
* Arial unicode
* Output extensions
* Canvas output
* VML output for old IE
* fluid output choice (content-dependent choice, mixed output modes)
* “tweaked MathML” output
* Input extensions
* crowd-sourcing TeX-macro extensions
* integrating XyJax (mixed), mathapedia (PStricks), graphing tools (d3.js, three.js, asciisvg), computer algebra tools (e.g. Sage Cell, R-notebooks, ipython notebooks)
* Documentation
* building more community involvement
* good code examples, moving towards a proper SDK
* document plugin using MathJax in other systems, e.g., CMS, LMS.
* Native browser MathML development in Gecko and WebKit
* re-enabling MathML support in Chrome / Blink
* Developing Gecko/Firefox at least on the level that allows us to
keep a “tweaked” MathML output.
* Continuing WebKit implementation.
* Outreach to other sciences
* Chemistry: chemdoodle, kitware
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