We collect potential features. This is not a discussion area but a presentation area for review.
We collect potential features. This is not a discussion area but a presentation area for review.
* Completing the MathML implementation
* Completing the MathML implementation
* elementary math
* elementary math elements
* more mtable attributes (e.g., rowspan, colspan)
* more mtable attributes (e.g., rowspan, colspan)
* in-table alignments
* in-table alignments
* right-to-left support
* right-to-left support
* improve annotation-xml
* improve annotation-xml
* improving ContentMathML support
* improved ContentMathML support
* Speed Improvements
* Speed Improvements
* “simple” (fast but lower quality) HTML-output
* “tweaked” native MathML output that works around browser implementation deficiencies.
* “simple” HTML-output (faster but potentially lower quality)
* collaborating with browser developers to improve MathJax speed
* Caching APIs for local storage and mobile device storage
* Caching APIs for local storage and mobile device storage
* Move towards “jquery of math” by implementing a “tweaked” native MathML output that works around browser implementation deficiencies.
* investigating potentially faster output formats such as canvas, VML
* server-side preprocessing (TeX to MathML, MathML to SVG etc)
* server-side preprocessing (TeX to MathML, MathML to SVG etc)
* Accessibility
* Accessibility
* Add APIs for accessibility tools (AT) to interact with MathJax rendering as if it was native MathML. This includes
* Add APIs for accessibility tools (AT) to interact with MathJax rendering as if it was native MathML. This includes
* compatibility to user style sheets (used for improved readability
* interact with accessibility preferences coming from AT
* handing MathML over to AT
* handing MathML over to AT
* embed speech-text generation from AT
* enable synchronized highlighting
* enable user navigation
* enable user navigation
* basic math-speech extension.
* enable synchronized highlighting
* embed speech-text generation from AT
* interact with accessibility preferences coming from AT
* compatibility with user style sheets
* speech-text extension.
* collaborating with other open source solutions from Benetech or Google ChromeVox
* collaborating with other open source solutions from Benetech or Google ChromeVox
* accessible MathJax menu
* make MathJax menu accessible
* embedding alternative source formats of math (TeX, MathML, OpenMath, computer algebra notation)
* embedding alternative source formats of math (TeX, MathML, OpenMath, computer algebra notation)
* Outreach activities
* Math accessibility workshop (AIM)
* MathJax community meetups -- virtual and real-life
* MathJax in education (web literacy, authoring, annotation)
* MathJax in authoring tool chains for research and publishing
* Content Testing
* Content Testing
* server side testing
* server side testing
* production environment testing
* production environment testing
* enable MathJax outside the DOM
* enable MathJax outside the DOM
* enable server-side pre-processing
* Internal Testing
* Internal Testing
* fuzz testing
* fuzz testing
* integrating MathJax testing into other testing environments
* integrating MathJax testing into other testing environments
* Interface improvements
* Interface improvements
* better interface on mobile devices
* UI on mobile devices
* improving copy&paste (share mechanisms, microdata, rdf, shadow dom, web components)
* copy&paste (share mechanisms, microdata, rdf, shadow dom, web components)
* improve discoverability of math on the page
* discoverability of math on the page
* menu extensions
* menu extensions
* search menu (enabling math search engines such as symbolab, wolfram alpha, Springer LaTeX search etc)
* search menu (enabling math search engines such as symbolab, wolfram alpha, Springer LaTeX search etc)
* Additional font options
* Fonts
* Asana webfonts, Neo Euler webfonts, Latin Modern, DejaVu fonts
* Asana fonts
* Local support for ubiquitous commercial fonts
* DejaVu fonts
* Lucida Sans, Apple symbol fonts, Arial unicode allow font mixing
* crowdsource font-metric generation for local fonts
* crowdsource font-metric generation for local fonts
* find ways to make use of commercial local fonts that we can’t deliver as webfonts but which are ubiquitous
* allow font mixing
* Lucida Sans
* Apple symbol fonts
* Arial unicode
* Output extensions
* Canvas output
* VML output for old IE
* fluid output choice (content-dependent choice, mixed output modes)
* “tweaked MathML” output
* Input extensions
* Input extensions
* crowd-sourcing TeX-macro extensions
* official third party extension repository
* integrating XyJax (mixed), mathapedia (PStricks), graphing tools (d3.js, three.js, asciisvg), computer algebra tools (e.g. Sage Cell, R-notebooks, ipython notebooks)
* integration of existing solutions
* XyJax (xypic), mathapedia (pstricks), computer algebra (e.g. Sage Cell), chemdoodle, kitware (chemistry)
* community outreach: TeX-macro extensions
* Documentation
* Documentation
* building more community involvement
* improve community involvement
* good code examples, moving towards a proper SDK
* Building a collection of code samples
* document plugin using MathJax in other systems, e.g., CMS, LMS.
* document plugin using MathJax in other systems, e.g., CMS, LMS.
* Native browser MathML development in Gecko and WebKit
* Native browser MathML development in Gecko and WebKit
* re-enabling MathML support in Chrome / Blink
* Improving Gecko/Firefox to re-enable native MathML output.
* Developing Gecko/Firefox at least on the level that allows us to
* Engaging in WebKit development
keep a “tweaked” MathML output.
* Continuing WebKit implementation.
* Outreach to other sciences
* Chemistry: chemdoodle, kitware
* Outreach activities
* MathJax workshop / conference
* MathJax community meetups
* Math accessibility workshop (AIM)
* MathJax in education (web literacy, authoring, annotation)
* MathJax in authoring tool chains for research and publishing
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