The MathJax documentation is written in restructuredText/[sphinx-doc](http://sphinx.pocoo.org/) and stored in its own GitHub repository, [mathjax-docs](http://github.com/mathjax/mathjax-docs/). We host a compiled copy at <http://docs.mathjax.org>.
The repository follows the versioning of the main repository (with branches v1.0, v1.1-latest, v2.0-latest etc) with one important difference: we add new branches only upon the **next** release, i.e., `master` corresponds to `latest` and there is no separate branch for the latest version.
The repository follows the versioning of the main repository (with branches v1.0, v1.1-latest, v2.0-latest etc) with one difference: before a new release, we merge the `master` branch into the branch for the current release for a final update of that branch.
### How does it work?
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