The MathJax documentation is stored in the docs directory of the MathJax GitHub repository. The docs/source directory contains the master .rst files, and there is a makefile in docs that allows you to convert these to the various formats needed by MathJax.
### To rebuild the html directory that is part of the repository
1. First, cd to the docs directory: ` cd MathJax/docs `
1. Remove the current html and .doctrees directories: `rm -rf html .doctrees`
1. Remake the html documentation: `make html`
1. Commit the changes to GitHub: `git commit -a -m "(log message about changes)"`
### To rebuild the documentation for www.mathjax.org
1. First, cd to the docs directory: `cd MathJax/docs`
1. Remove the current html and .doctrees directries: `rm -rf html .doctrees`
1. Remake the html documentation with headers for www.mathjax.org: `make html-mathjax-site`
1. Rename the html-mathjax-site directory to the version number for the documentation: `mv html-mathjax-site N.M`
1. Remove the .buildinfo and objects.inv files: `rm N.M/.buildinfo N.M/objects.inv`
1. Create a tar archive of the directory: `tar cvfz N.M.tgz N.M`
1. Move the directory to webfactional: `scp N.M.tgz (user)@dessci.webfactional.com`
(fill in the user appropriately).
1. Log into webfactional: `ssh (user)@dessci.webfactional.com`
1. Unpack & delete the archive: `tar vfxz N.M.tgz && rm N.M.tgz`
1. Move to the docs directory: `cd webapps/wp/docs`
1. If you are replacing an existing documentation directory:`mv N.M N.M-old && mv ~/N.M . && rm -rf N.M-old`
1. Otherwise (this is documentation for a new version)
1. Move the documentation directory: `mv ~/N.M .`
1. Edit the index.html to point to the new documentation.
1. Edit the documentation page (using the Wordpress interface) to include the new documentation directory.
1. Log out of webfactional: `logout`
1. Check that the documentation page shows up correctly by loading [http://www.mathjax.org/docs/](http://www.mathjax.org/docs/) (you might need to clear the history first).
The **version number of the documentation** is in html/source/config.py and should be changed when the version of MathJax changes.
The www.mathjax.org header information is stored in html/source/mjtheme/layout.html and should be updated if the theme at www.mathjax.org changes. In particular, if items are added to or removed from the main menu, these need to be added to or removed from layout.html by hand. |
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