... | ... | @@ -137,14 +137,19 @@ IPs so that we won't be charged anymore. See "Stopping the Testing Framework". |
* Directory Structure
* Linux
* ~/AmazonS3/: mount points for Amazon S3 buckets
* ~/bin/: some programs used by the testing framework
* ~/Desktop/Webdrivers/: Drivers for Chrome. Added to $PATH by ~/.bashrc.
* ~/fillTaskList.sh: Bash script to easily create tasks instead of using the QA Web Interface.
* ~/init.sh: Bash script to mount Amazon S3 buckets, start the GUI, the VNC server and (if the host is start the task handler.
* ~/mount-AmazonS3.sh, ~/mount-AmazonS3.sh: Bash scripts to mount/umount Amazon S3 buckets
* ~/start-gui.sh: Bash script to start the GUI and the VNC server.
* mathjax: symbolic link to ~/MathJax-test/mathjax. Available at http://devel.mathjax.org/mathjax/
* ~/MathJax-test/: the MathJax testing framework.
* ~/mount-AmazonS3.sh: Bash script to mount Amazon S3 buckets
* results: symbolic link to ~/MathJax-test/results.
* ~/seleniumServer.sh: Bash script to start the selenium server
* ~/start-gui.sh: Bash script to start the GUI and the VNC server.
* ~/start-task-handler.sh: Bash script to start the task handler
* ~/MathJax-test/: MathJax testing framework
* ~/AmazonS3/: mount points for Amazon S3 buckets
* ~/Desktop/Webdrivers/: Drivers for Chrome. Added to $PATH by ~/.bashrc.
* ~/umount-AmazonS3.sh: Bash script to unmount Amazon S3 buckets
* Windows
* ~\selenium-server.bat: Bat script to start the Selenium server.
* ~\selenium-server.jar: Selenium server.
... | ... | |