multiline environment (with tags) rendering issues
(This came up while testing 2.7.4 but is also present in 2.7.3 and probably ealier.)
I ran into 2-3 issues around multline; I'm not sure how to split them.
Minimal example:
$$\begin{multline}xxxxxxxxxx\tag{1} \\ yyyyyyyyyy\end{multline}$$
(default) equation label alignment
IIUC, the equation label should align with the first line of the expression.
However, with its default (labels on right), the label aligns with the second line; furthermore, using the CommonHTML output the row overlaps the label (SVG and HTML-CSS are fine).
This matches toMathML which has the label in the second row / mlabeledtr
left-aligned equation labels
When equation labels are left-aligned, both SVG and CommonHTML align the label at the first row. (I didn't check HTML-CSS).
SVG with small container size
If the container size is small (e.g., 0), the SVG output renders poorly (and differently from CommonHTML; I didn't check HTML-CSS): the second row ends below the beginning of the first row (excluding the left-aligned label).
Sample output (via mathjax-node with width:0
but happens in the client as well):
<svg xmlns:xlink="" width="20.75ex" height="6.259ex" style="vertical-align: -2.531ex; margin-left: -5.832ex; margin-right: -10.352ex;" viewBox="-2511.1 -1605.1 8934 2695" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="MathJax-SVG-1-Title">
<title id="MathJax-SVG-1-Title">\begin{multline} xxxxxxxxxx \tag{1}\\ yyyyyyyyyy \end{multline}</title>
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