[CommonHTML] Inconsistent horizontal spacing when loading a new font
Created by: SuzanneSoy
In the example below, the spacing between the ::
and the =
is not the same on the first and fifth equations (it's more visible on the fifth). These equations load a new font, which might be the cause for the larger space. The equations 1–4 are strictly identical, and so are the equations 5–8. I wasn't able to build a smaller example, the problem disappears when removing one of the :
or when removing the \raise
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
tex2jax:{displayMath:[["\\[", "\\]"]]},
jax: ["input/TeX", "output/CommonHTML"]
<script type="text/javascript" src="MathJax/MathJax.js?config=default"></script>
<!-- Loads bf font: -->
\[a \raise0.4mu{::}\hspace{-8mu}=\mathbf{\unicode{x03BB}}\]
\[a \raise0.4mu{::}\hspace{-8mu}=\mathbf{\unicode{x03BB}}\]
\[a \raise0.4mu{::}\hspace{-8mu}=\mathbf{\unicode{x03BB}}\]
\[a \raise0.4mu{::}\hspace{-8mu}=\mathbf{\unicode{x03BB}}\]
<!-- Loads sf font: -->
\[a \raise0.4mu{::}\hspace{-8mu}=\mathsf{\unicode{x03BB}}\]
\[a \raise0.4mu{::}\hspace{-8mu}=\mathsf{\unicode{x03BB}}\]
\[a \raise0.4mu{::}\hspace{-8mu}=\mathsf{\unicode{x03BB}}\]
\[a \raise0.4mu{::}\hspace{-8mu}=\mathsf{\unicode{x03BB}}\]