Created by: itsjamie
It's said its handled automatically, however from my experience this isn't the whole story, and to save someone else a headache this should be remedied in the docs.
Just some background I had a connect middleware for no-www, and options..
var options = {
hostnameOnly: true,
router: {
'api.[snip]': '',
'[snip]': ''
var server = httpProxy.createServer(
server.listen(80, function() {
console.log('proxy up');
The websockets connections aren't made automatically because I was using middleware, so you need to add..
server.on('upgrade', function(req, socket, head) {
server.proxy.proxyWebSocketRequest(req, socket, head);
This should just be documented somewhere is all. It would have saved me the hour of "hmm, why is this falling back to xhr-polling?" time and source-reading lines to see the "magic"
if (!callback) {
proxy.proxyWebSocketRequest(req, socket, head);
But, more than willing to give up that hour for the total amount of time you've saved me