node-http-proxy leaks file descriptors
Created by: jwalton
Run this:
http = require('http');
httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer();
server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
return proxy.web(req, res, {
target: ''
ps -ef | grep node
to figure out the PID that's running it. -
watch 'lsof -p 5966 | wc -l'
(replace 5966 with your pid) - Point a browser at http://localhost:9000 (you'll get a 404 from I was using Chrome and FF.
- Hit CTRL-R over and over.
- Watch your open file count climb.
Sockets don't seem to close for 2 minutes. On OS/X, heavy traffic will run out of file descriptors very quickly (my product's Selenium test case kills node-http-proxy about 1/10th of the way through.)
Using node v0.10.25 and node-http-proxy 1.0.2.