Created by: ChrisWcs
Here is what I have so far for bring up the web-project listings to the web page. I created a branch called cardfeature where I have been making the changes.
I created Card.jsx and Card.css. It is a stateless component where you pass in a object that holds information related to the project. Of course the styling for it is held in Card.css. Currently it supports passing a link to an image of the project logo online...
I created a ProjectList.jsx and ProjectList.css. This component holds the many projects. It can have a list of project objects given to it, and it will render them. I also created a search component that kind of works. Each project has a list of keywords so it will filter based on if the search words is found in that projects keywords list. You have to click enter twice for it to work though, not sure how to fix that bug. The list of projects is imported in from a ListOfProjects.js file instead of like JSON, that probably not the best, not sure. All in all it could use some CSS tweaking and if someone wanted to completely revamp it, I am sure it could look even better. ( It also needs to have the ListOfProjects updated to have the array hold all of the projects )
Basically this is what I have so far. I might have forked from master, so I changed the base to web-app-dev because I figure that is where you will want to pull it into. Let me know if you have any questions or things you would like me to work on first.