Created by: rivy
@echo off
is a global setting, changing the caller's state, and shouldn't be used without a preceding setlocal
. Alternatively, if you want to pass environmental state back up to the caller, both setlocal
and echo off
can be removed, and commands in the BAT/CMD file prefixed with an "@" to suppress display, eg:
@REM Invoke buck.pex in the same directory as this script with python
@REM We try to find a python2 installation first because python3 can
@REM install itself as 'python.exe' on the path, and we don't want that
@REM just yet
@if exist "C:\Python27\python.exe" @(
C:\Python27\python.exe %~dp0\buck.pex %*
) else @(
python %~dp0\buck.pex %*
But I don't see that you need that, so this would be the simpler fix.