Convert it to progressive web app
Created by: Surya1231
The progressive web app will be very handy to use. People don't have to visit the website all the time they want to check status. They can easily install the website as an app in their android/ios devices. You can easily convert this website to a web app. ( progressive web app provide a banner for installing the website as an app in their phone )
Solution: We need to just add a service-worker.js file in public/ directory and some additions in manifest.json will do it. it will not take that much time but it will create a great impact on users from my opinion.
Exact steps:
- create service-worker.js in public/ (Name should be exact same)
- Define an empty self.addEventListner("fetch" , () => ()) function like this for now.
- In maifest.json define orientation: "portrait primary"
- In maifest.json add more icons ( 144x144, 512x512).