The "new" operator definition collides with the standard (?) one
Created by: highfield
Benoit, your library is simply awesome: no kidding! ATM, I'm still in the phase of "assembly" several parts or a small project, originally written in C#, but my knowledge yet experience in C/C++ is close to zero.
More specifically, I'm re-writing the code for the Seeedstudio Link-It, which is an ARM-based board, and comes with a Arduino 1.5-like SDK.
The problem I bumped to is against your "new" operator definition (PlacementNew.hpp). If I leave it, the compilation raises an error about the re-definition of the "new" operator. If comment out, there's no collision, but your List.cpp module (and another one, I think) raises a overloading not found for the operator "new". Right now I'm in the office and I don't have the exact errors, but I may send you once at home.
Any clue?
Thanks and have a happy Christmas. Mario