Review A11y Project's hosted content
Created by: scottaohara
In an effort to ensure that The A11y Project's content is up-to-date, each hosted resource on the site should be reviewed to ensure code patterns are still relevant, links continue to work, and techniques are referencing the latest best practices.
If an article has been identified as needing an update, a new issue should be created and logged under the Content Updates for 2019 Milestone to track progress / request help from the community for updates.
If an article has recently been written, or received an update, then it can be checked off without further action.
If an article remains perfectly fine as-is, then it can be checked off without further action.
Assigning myself and @ericwbailey (sorry not sorry) as initial reviewers, but this issue is open to anyone who would like to participate.
The content to review is broken up by its parent topic grouping:
Using skip navigation links -
Create accessible data tables -
Using placeholder attributes -
Hide content -
Using title
attributes -
Future proof your accessibility efforts. -
Using caption services with HTML5 video -
Using role='application'
Quick tests
Large touch targets -
Check comprehension level -
Check contrast with your mobile device -
Navigate using just your keyboard
Quick tips
Safari keyboard navigation -
a11y and a brief numeronyms primer -
Never remove CSS outlines -
Don't auto-play video, music and more -
Never use maximum-scale=1.0
ARIA Landmark roles and HTML5 implicit mapping -
Using alt text properly