- [ ] Expose options on filter classes.
- Expose options on filter classes.
- [x] Graph.add_buffer(template_frame)
- [x] Graph.add_abuffer(template_frame)
- [ ] Graph.add_sink(template_frame)
- [ ] Graph.add_asink(template_frame)
- Graph.add_buffer(template_frame)
- Graph.add_abuffer(template_frame)
- Graph.add_sink(template_frame)
- Graph.add_asink(template_frame)
- Graph.parse()
- [ ] Graph.parse()
- create FilterContext objects for every newly created filter
- return inputs/outputs
- FilterContext.push(frame, input=None) -> If this is not a (a)buffer, check the given input
(or the only input if there is one). If nothing is linked to that input, create a buffer there.
Then push it in.
- FilterContext.pull(frame, output=None) -> Similar semantics to push above.
- Graph.push(frame) -> push the frame into the single input, if it exists.
- Graph.pull(frame) -> pull the frame from the single output, if it exists.
- FilterContext.send_command(cmd, arg)
- FilterContext.{inputs,outputs} -> tuple of FilterPad
Graph contains everything.
~ graph.add(filter, options={}, name=None, inputs=None, outputs=None)
- create an instance of the filter
- autogen a name if not given one
- link up inputs and outputs if given
- graph.auto_buffer(template_frame)
- graph.auto_sink()
- graph.configure(auto_buffer_template=frame) -> find the single video input
that has no buffer, and create it with the template
√ graph.push(frame) -> pushes into a buffer, if there is only one buffer
√ graph.pull() -> pulls from a buffer, if there is only one buffer
graph.process(frame) -> push, followed by pull
Filter is a filter descriptor.
√ filter.name -> name of the filter
√ filter.inputs -> FilterPadSet of inputs
√ filter.outputs -> FilterPadSet of outputs
- [x] FilterContext.push(frame, input=None)
- [x] FilterContext.pull(frame, output=None)
FilterContext is a filter instance.
√ ctx.name -> name of this instance
√ ctx.filter -> Filter
√ ctx.inputs -> FilterPadSet of input FilterContextPad
√ ctx.outputs -> FilterPadSet of input FilterContextPad
~ ctx.link_to(dst, src_pad=None, dst_pad=None)
- determines pads automatically
- pads can be pads or indexes
- should be assume index 0, or check that there is only one input/output?
- should this be "link"??
√ ctx.push(frame) -> buffers only, or delegate to single input (which must be a buffer)
√ ctx.pull() -> buffersink only, or delegate to single output (which must be a buffer)
- [x] Graph.push(frame) -> push the frame into the single input, if it exists.
- [x] Graph.pull(frame) -> pull the frame from the single output, if it exists.
- [ ] Graph.process(frame) -> push, followed by pull
FilterPad is a connection descriptor.
√ pad.name -> name of the pad
√ pad.type -> string type of the pad
√ pad.is_input/is_output
- [ ] FilterContext.send_command(cmd, arg)
- [x] FilterContext.{inputs,outputs} -> tuple of FilterPad
FilterContextPad(FilterPad) for a FilterContext
√ pad.context -> FilterContext
√ pad.link -> FilterLink
~ pad.linked -> FilterContextPad
OR should this be to a FilterContext??
FilterLink is a link between two FilterContext's
- link.width/height/format/etc
√ link.input -> FilterContextPad
√ link.output -> FilterContextPad
clut = graph.add('clut', {...})
frame = graph.process(frame)
src = graph.add('buffer')
inv = graph.add('invert')
# or
src.link_to(inv, 0, 0)
# or
src.outputs[0].link.output is inv
src.outputs[0].linked is inv
``` |