Created by: pxpeterxu
I was trying to clean a large queue with millions of entries. Originally, I ran:
import Queue from 'bull';
const queue = new Queue(...);
queue.clean(0, 'completed');
But this blocked Redis from saving any other records with the error message:
BUSY Redis is busy running a script. You can only call SCRIPT KILL or SHUTDOWN NOSAVE
I switched this to something more like:
import Queue from 'bull';
const queue = new Queue(...);
async function run() {
let count = null;
while (count == null || count >= 100) {
count = (await queue.clean(0, 'completed', 100)).length;
But each loop of 100 still took a really long time. Digging into the script, regardless of how many we try to delete, we're listing all the keys on every run of .clean()
- Change the cleanJobsInSet script so that:
- If we're trying to clean n entries, only fetch n keys at a time
- (Note that we might have to loop through this if the first n entries don't have all the timestamps we need, but this should generally still be an improvement)
- Cleanup: make cleanJobsInSet's variables be all named for slightly easier readability
Tested in production with my queue -- this sped it up a lot! Also ran it on empty queues to make sure that we ended properly
Also added an automated test for some pagination edge cases
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