Jobs getting stuck under small load
Created by: evanhuang8
I have been very interested in replacing kue
with bull
and I have been doing some testing, however, I keep running into the problem of jobs getting stuck.
So my simply setup has two scripts, one is scheduler
and the other one is worker
#!/usr/bin/env coffee
fs = require 'fs'
bull = require 'bull'
matador = require 'bull-ui/app'
co = require 'co'
Q = require 'q'
credentials = JSON.parse fs.readFileSync './credentials.json', 'utf8'
redisHost = credentials.redisHost
redisPort = credentials.redisPort
redisPass = credentials.redisPass
redisDBNumber = credentials.redisDBNumber
queue = bull 'test', redisPort, redisHost
app = matador
host: redisHost
port: redisPort
password: redisPass
sleep = (duration) ->
deferred = Q.defer()
setTimeout ->
, duration
return deferred.promise
co ->
for i in [0...100]
job = yield queue.add {},
delay: 10 * 1000
console.log "Job #{job.jobId} scheduled"
yield sleep 1000
for i in [0...10]
for j in [0...10]
job = yield queue.add {},
delay: 8 * 1000
console.log "Job #{job.jobId} scheduled"
yield sleep 1000
.catch (err) ->
console.log err
Using a bit of ES6 generator logic here, so bare with me.
#!/usr/bin/env coffee
fs = require 'fs'
bull = require 'bull'
co = require 'co'
Q = require 'q'
credentials = JSON.parse fs.readFileSync './credentials.json', 'utf8'
redisHost = credentials.redisHost
redisPort = credentials.redisPort
redisPass = credentials.redisPass
redisDBNumber = credentials.redisDBNumber
queue = bull 'test', redisPort, redisHost
queue.process (job, done) ->
console.log "Job #{job.jobId} is processed!"
queue.on 'error', (err) ->
console.log err
Test runs
I am using iojs v2.5.0, tested with both redis 2.8.19 and 3.0.3. I flush redis before every run.
So when I run the scheduler first, and wait till all the jobs are scheduled, and then run the worker, then all jobs will go to completion.
If I remove the delay settings from the jobs, then everything seems fine - all jobs are processed.
When I run the worker and the scheduler at the same time - in other words, let the worker process as the scheduler goes, only a fraction of the jobs will be processed (ranging between 5 - 50 jobs out of the 200 jobs scheduled). Once the processing stops, no matter how long I wait, the jobs are stuck in the delayed state.
I suspect there is something going on with how the delayed jobs are setup, any insights?