## Here is a list of [vendor extensions](https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/2.0.md#specification-extensions) used by different generators.
The list may not be up-to-date so the best way is to look for "x-" in the mustache templates.
(All examples are in YAML format)
### ObjC
#### x-objc-operationId
To customize the method name, you can provide a different name in x-objc-operationId, e.g.
summary: Add a new pet to the store
description: ''
operationId: addPet
x-objc-operationId: CreateNewPet
### Java (Feign)
#### x-accepts
A single `Accepts` value as the Feign API client needs a single value for `Accepts` header, e.g.
- application/json
- application/xml
x-accepts: application/json
#### x-content-type
A single "Content-Type" value as the Feign API client needs a single value for `Content-Type` header, e.g.
- application/xml
- application/json
x-content-type: application/json
### Rust-server
#### x-responseId
Each response may specify a unique `x-responseId`. `rust-server` will use this to name the corresponding enum variant in the code. e.g.
description: OK
x-responseId: Pong
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