[REQ] Added enumClassPrefix option to Go server generation 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[python-experimental] Removes python2 support 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[Avro] Default value for no required fields to null 0 of 5 checklist items completed
Add Nokia as the user of OpenAPI Generator 0 of 5 checklist items completed!7005 5.0.0
Add CoinAPI logo to https://openapi-generator.tech/users 0 of 5 checklist items completed!6984 5.0.0
[NodeJS] Auto populate config using schema servers.url 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[Protobuf] Make it possible to override field numbers using x-protobuf-index 3 of 5 checklist items completed
[Kotlin] Rxjava3 support 3 of 5 checklist items completed
Fixed reactor conditions in template 5 of 5 checklist items completed
fix: update base image to maven supported 3 of 5 checklist items completed
[Java] Add JsonTypeName to clients using Jackson 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[Scala] replace ~ with $user.home in pom.xml 0 of 5 checklist items completed
[Kotlin][MultiPlatform] Add empty checks using hasAuthMethods 0 of 5 checklist items completed
[php-slim4] Move config to a separate file 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[NodeJS] nodejs-express-server fix /api-docs path 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[typescript-axios] switched to new URL API 5 of 5 checklist items completed
typescript-node: clean up require and import 5 of 5 checklist items completed