[Ruby] Remove configuring verbose option from Faraday template 4 of 5 checklist items completed
[R] Throw exception if username, password is not set in HTTP auth 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[R] fix query, header params 5 of 5 checklist items completed
Cpp restbed server improvements 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[aspnetcore] Added parameter to generate models in a seperate csproj 5 of 5 checklist items completed
bugfix: java @ApiResponse is now correctly using default responseCode and not falling back to 200 5 of 5 checklist items completed!13021
[R] Prefix local variables in API functions to avoid naming collisions 5 of 5 checklist items completed
Add support for accept, content-type headers in R client 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[kotlin-client] add ignoreUnknownKeys for kotlinx serialization 5 of 5 checklist items completed!13016
[rust] fix incorrect Cargo.toml generated when supportAsync & withAWSV4Signature are both enabled. 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[PHP-Symfony] Encurage Symfony 5 bundle directory structure best practices 5 of 5 checklist items completed
PHP: fix ranged status codes 5 of 5 checklist items completed
Cleaned up cargo clippy warnings 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[python-experimental] consolidates endpoints into paths module 0 of 5 checklist items completed
[python-experimental] Consolidates model tests into a subfolder 0 of 5 checklist items completed
[R] Add httr2 support 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[typescript] Don't throw exception when `additionalProperties` is set to `true` 5 of 5 checklist items completed
Add auto-generated .swiftformat to Swift clients 5 of 5 checklist items completed