[powershell-experimental] : http signature authentication implementation 4 of 5 checklist items completed
[cwiki] Show enum values for URI parameters 5 of 5 checklist items completed
Register OAuth2ClientContext as bean 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[wip][python] introduce a object enables access to all apis 0 of 5 checklist items completed!6170
Updated native template to fix null async return 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[Go][Experimental] better oneOf and anyOf implementation 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[markdown] Show description when summary is missing 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[java] Intro openApiNullable property to enable/disable OpenAPI Jackson Nullable library 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[core] Add type and format properties to model of inline response 4 of 5 checklist items completed
[aspnetcore] test petstore samples in drone.io 0 of 5 checklist items completed
Skip web.config generation for aspnetcore 3.x 5 of 5 checklist items completed
Test java 11 native client in drone.ci 5 of 5 checklist items completed
fix issue 5815 3 of 5 checklist items completed!6142 5.0.x
[TS-Refactor] Added options for npm version, repository, name and updated readme 4 of 4 checklist items completed
[TS-Refactor] Top-level exports for fetch & jquery 3 of 3 checklist items completed
Add paladinzh to rust technical committee 0 of 5 checklist items completed!6137 4.3.1
Fix bearer authentication in c# netcore client (async call) 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[python-experimental] Make the array items attribute optional 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[go experimental] Make the array "items" attribute optional 4 of 5 checklist items completed
[codegen] Improve documentation, fix typos 4 of 5 checklist items completed