Support labeling changes which affect all typescript generators with [typescript] (only) in title 5 of 5 checklist items completed!4180 4.2.0
Add a link to autopp's blog post 0 of 5 checklist items completed!4152 4.2.0
[Swift] Ignore all Pods/ and Carthage/ under CodegenTests 4 of 4 checklist items completed
[haskell-http-client] update samples 0 of 4 checklist items completed
[haskell-http-client] disable unused import warning in Core.hs 0 of 4 checklist items completed
Add a link to IBM cloud docs 0 of 4 checklist items completed!4017 4.2.0
Regenerate go openapi3 samples 0 of 4 checklist items completed!3975 4.2.0
Add a link to a medium blog post 0 of 4 checklist items completed!3960 4.2.0
[java] allow to use setArtifactVersion() programmatically 0 of 4 checklist items completed
[Python] [Bug] Correct typo in the word datetime 5 of 5 checklist items completed
Add arduino.cc to the user list 0 of 5 checklist items completed!4307 4.2.0
[Go][Server] better tests 5 of 5 checklist items completed
Update technical committee (Java, Kotlin) 0 of 5 checklist items completed!4302 4.2.0
[C#][NetCore] Rename local variables 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[Dart] Add missing reserved words 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[Dart] [Bug] Handle model names starting with number 5 of 5 checklist items completed
Add a link to presentation in eclipsecon Europe 2019 0 of 5 checklist items completed!4281 4.2.0
Add Bosch logo 0 of 5 checklist items completed!4265 4.2.0